
Employruthlesstacticstooutwitpoliticalrivalsandwieldimperviouscharmonyourficklebannerman.Maintainthebalanceandfavorofthepeopletoextend ...,沒有額外說明的選項,一概隨意,但數值可能有所增減。但有些重要事件中間需要經過一定月數,而會夾雜隨機事件,這時候數值超過界限就會導致腳色死亡結局。,採取無情的策略來戰勝政治對手,並在你變化無常的旗手上運用不羈的魅力。保持人民的平衡和支持,延長你的統治時間,也許...

Reigns: Game of Thrones 12+

Employ ruthless tactics to outwit political rivals and wield impervious charm on your fickle bannerman. Maintain the balance and favor of the people to extend ...

REIGNS GOT 王權-權力與遊戲心得攻略 - 創作大廳


Reigns: Game of Thrones


Reigns: Game of Thrones

2023年10月12日 — Employ ruthless tactics to outwit political rivals and wield impervious charm on your fickle bannerman. Maintain the balance and favor of the ...


Change between each king and queen you unlock to face challenges and mysteries unique to their story. Impose Your Will: Swipe left or right to change the fate ...